The Turf Tank Two provides a highly efficient method for painting your rugby field, eliminating the need for continuous manual operation. This allows you to dedicate attention to other crucial tasks while the robot expertly completes the field painting.
To paint a rugby field
Save up to 50% paint
Only 1 person needed
Perfect lines, every time
Manually marking a rugby field can be a lengthy process. However, with the Turf Tank robot, it becomes a quick, one-person task. Just set up the robot in 5 minutes, and it autonomously paints the entire field. This efficiency allows the individual to attend to other important tasks on-site, greatly enhancing productivity.
The Turf Tank Two features a low-pressure pump and nozzle system, ensuring uniform spraying at a consistent speed. This advanced setup reduces paint consumption by 50% or more, using just 1.5 gallons for efficient field marking.
Traditionally, painting a rugby field involves a labor-intensive process: manually measuring each line with tape, using strings to outline the field’s layout, followed by groundskeepers physically pushing line markers to apply paint.
However, with Turf Tank, this task is significantly simplified. The entire line marking process is managed through a single app, eliminating the need for manual effort and strings. This technology makes the job of marking a rugby field much easier and more efficient.
Elevate the sports experience for your fans. Add a unique flair to your fields with custom logos crafted by the Turf Tank.
Learn more about what our customers think about the Turf Tank line marking robot.